Thursday, June 30

I Paint from My Mind and Sketch from My Heart

Painting is one thing. The colors add so much to the picture, and it's like they create this story out of a single image. It's easy to buy into paintings. They already have life. Drawing is different.

Monday, June 27

Sing O Muse...

I didn't used to believe in the influence of the muses. The notion that it wasn't the artist's decision, but rather the inspiration from another source just seemed odd. That was until I started painting...

Fresh Strawberry Bars

A delicious summer-time snack from Better Homes & Gardens. I made this last year with fresh-picked strawberries and loved it! Enjoy! :) 

Sunday, June 26

Why Everyone Should Have a Teddy Bear

  1. It's good to have something to hold at night.
  2. It reminds you it's still OK to need someone else.
  3. You can't hold a teddy bear and be angry.

Thursday, June 23

Some Like it Hot, Some Like it Cold...

I like it on my face.

I'm not much for home remedies or anything advertised as organic, but after St. Ives changed the ingredients of my favorite face wash (The Olive Cleanser if you must know--but it's not worth buying anymore), I was in the market for a new daily face-washing regimen. My once beloved cleanser which reminded me of sunny days in Athens, Greece and smelled better than any addicting Herbal Essence shampoo, was cruelly changed into a glorified bottle of dawn soap.