Thursday, June 30

I Paint from My Mind and Sketch from My Heart

Painting is one thing. The colors add so much to the picture, and it's like they create this story out of a single image. It's easy to buy into paintings. They already have life. Drawing is different.

With drawing, there's just gray. And white.
You have to do something else to breath life into drawings.

For a while, the only thing I could draw was Grant, because he was the only thing that filled up all the space in my head that it just dripped over into my heart and out onto the paper like paint. The pictures of Grant work because I actually saw him smile. I saw him laugh. I saw him cry. And I would sometimes fall asleep watching him sleep. I still see all those things when I draw him.

Which is why I do.

Because that "something else" breathes life into the drawings, and it tells me the story all over again.

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