Friday, February 17

Cinnamon-Sugar Donuts

I don't typically photography my own food creations (and by don't typically, I mean "never"). That is until we made homemade donuts last week... absolute experimental cooking success!!

1 can of biscuit dough
1 jug of vegetable oil (or peanut, or canola, or anything really except maybe olive or motor)
1 c sugar*
1 tbs cinnamon*

*You can also use powdered sugar instead or make your own glaze.

**All of these measurements are rough, this is a super easy "go with the flow" type of recipe. But, if you are a person who needs measurements... Sarah Morris ;) then enjoy the preciseness of the list**

Pour the oil into a pot and heat it (with the lid on) on high.

While the oil is heating, open the biscuit can and pull apart the biscuits. Cut out the middle of the biscuits. (I used an apple corer, but you can use a biscuit cutter, small cookie cutter, or a knife). You can keep the middles for donut holes. Also, mix the sugar and cinnamon together in a small to medium-sized bowl.

When the oil is done (most recipes suggest heating it until 350F, but we didn't have a thermometer so we just heated it until we got tired of waiting..), toss in a few of the donuts and/or donut holes. Leave them in for a couple seconds, then using tongs or a spoon, flip (or roll) them over so they cook on both sides.

Take them out once they are golden brown (less than 1 minute) and set them on paper towels to wipe off the excess oil. Then, quickly roll the fresh donuts in the cinnamon-sugar mixture, and start on your next batch!

**These taste the very best when they are fresh. After they cool down or sit a day.. not so hot (literally and figuratively) :). **


(For those of you that are visual learners.. check out our impromptu video at the bottom)

Jk was like "Oh, you didn't get a good picture of that bite? It's ok, I can eat another!" ;)

mmm.. the cinnamon-sugar sticks to my lips!

1 comment:

  1. It's true they are extremly tasty, and fun to make :)
