Wednesday, December 21

Picture Gallery

It finally felt like home when Jk came over one day and said he wanted to hang up pictures. 

There must have been some magic in those old black photos he found.. because when he placed them on the wall... :) All jokes aside, it's true. I really think there is something magical in hanging up personal pictures in a home. It's sorta like an artist signing a painting. It reminds you that it's yours and it's home.

We hung our pictures up the stairway. It's just a few for now, but we plan to keep adding through the years. 

After making various trips to Goodwill, we got an assortment of picture frames. Then, we spray painted them black. The black paint made them look uniform, but the various frames still stood out--which I liked.

We filled them with black and white photos and some of our favorite quotes. For me, the quotes were just as important as the pictures. Pictures can speak a thousand words, but sometimes a phrase can speak even more. Plus, the quotes break up all the photos nicely enough to be able to focus on each one.

Now, we've got the beginnings of our very own picture gallery. :)

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